The Opportunity to IDENTIFY and SHOWCASE HIGH-IMPACT Plastic Waste Reduction INITIATIVES in India
165 Teams Registered. Deadline to Submit Application Extended to 3 January, 2021 (extended). Total Prize Money: USD $5,000
Brought to you by the following organizations:

Commitments Accelerator for
Plastic Pollution
CAPP is a new non-profit organization that brings together transparency, community and action to reduce and eliminate plastic waste. Members convene to discuss strategies, projects, outcomes, and research. They engage in formal training. They benchmark their performance and track their progress. They replicate and scale high-impact projects and programs with expert and peer mentoring ̶ moving their commitments into achieved milestones.

GOA Institute of Management
Goa Institute of Management began its journey in 1993. Today GIM is one of the leading B-schools in India and offers a rich learning environment through engagement with academia, industry and alumni. GIM seeks to nurture leaders with specialized knowledge of Healthcare, Big Data Analytics, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance. The B-school offers a rich bouquet of programs that meet the challenging business needs of India and the state of Goa.

The mission of Ocean Recovery Alliance is to reduce plastic pollution on land and water by creating strategic solutions for governments, industry and communities which lead to long-term, hands-on engaging business practices. Our mission is achieved through purposefully designed programs to educate, build awareness and provide solutions which inspire positive societal change at the community, national and international levels. Its founder, Doug Woodring, recently was awarded the coveted Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy from Prince Albert of Monaco for his work in this space

Indian Plastics Institute
Indian Plastic Institute based out of India is an premier professional organization having more than 5000 members and one of the founders of PlastIndia. The focus of IPI is Plastic education and training, through DIPI courses, seminars, endowment lectures, journals, books and connects individuals, corporates and educational institutes. In recent times one of the focus areas is Sustainability & Recycling and has partnered with several organizations in India to promote and create awareness on subject and also work for plastic waste management.

Chellaram Foundation
The Chellaram Foundation was founded in India on 20 June 2007 by Mr Lal Chellaram as a registered section 8 company. It is one of three charities in India, including the Kishinchand Chellaram Education Trust that was founded in 1949 by the Late Mr. Kishinchand Chellaram with the noble objective of supporting and assisting various Educational Institutions; and the Lokumal Kishinchand Charity Trust, a charity founded in 1980 by the Late Mr. Lokumal Chellaram for support to a wide spectrum of causes.
India’s Plastic Waste Problem
The Below Infographic: The Equivalent of 3,285,000 Elephants Per Year of Plastic Waste
The Ganges river is the 6th worst polluting rivers in the world to carry plastic waste into the ocean
The river provides water to about 40% of India’s population across 11 states, and it impacts an estimated population of 500 million people. An estimated 1.2 billion pounds of discarded soft and hard plastic each year wind up into the river
25% of the uncollected waste each day is from 10 major cities
Dehli, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Surat, Kanpur, Pune
(Source CPCB)

Suggested Resources
From Indian Plastics Institute
From Ocean Recovery Alliance:

Who Can Apply
Teams of 3 to 4 students from India’s top academic institutions
Each team will champion a successful high-impact initiative (project/program) in India that reduces and prevents plastic waste.
Teams will make the case why and how their selected initiative could be replicated and scaled by other stakeholders throughout India and the world
Complete the Summary Sheet by
30 December, 2020 (Stage One).
A shortlisted number of teams will be notified by 15 January and asked to submit a detailed Case Study due
15 February, 2021 (Stage Two).
Stage Two:
Finalists Submit Case Study by
15 February, 2021
About the Case Study (for the Finalists)
Each Case Study will highlight one initiative (project, program or technology solution). Each team will use the same Case Study template that will be provided to the finalists in January. The Case Study will address the following for each initiative:
The initiative championed, its goals/objectives, data captured (if available), and how well it was executed.
The initiative’s background: where, how and when it was implemented, its origin or inspiration of the idea; and how it helps solve the problem of plastic pollution/waste.
What were the internal and external impacts of this initiative on the community, and other constituents?
What was the timeframe of the initiative and what resources were brought together to make it happen. Did the initiative’s execution occur as forecast/planned, and what was learned?
What are the clear, tangible evidences about how this initiative has benefitted the surrounding environment and community?·
How can this initiative be replicated and scaled (expanded) by other communities in India. What improvements could be made to improve the initiative even more, and easier for other stakeholders to replicate the same type of idea?
What are the initiative’s main challenges to overcome when implemented?
What are the sacrifices needed to be made in order to show results?
What is the social impact, related to community well-being, on families; on improved healthcare and environmental conditions? Towards reducing poverty, if any? Reducing air pollution?
The Timeline
5-30 November, 2020 : Registration
Stage One
3 January, 2021: Teams Submit Summary Sheet Application
Stage Two
15 January, 2021: Shortlisted Finalists Notified
15 February, 2021 : Finalists Submit Case Studies
26 February, 2021: Presentations, Panel and Award Ceremony
Total Prize Money: USD $5,000
Overall 1st Place Winning Team: USD $1,000
2nd Place Winning Team: USD $750
3rd Place Winning Team: USD $450
2 additional case study winners will be announced in each of the following 4 categories ($350 each winner):
- For Initiatives Offered by Business
- For Initiatives Offered by NGOs or Informal Organizations
- For Initiatives Offered by Local Municipalities
- For Initiatives Offered by a Stakeholder with Limited Resources
Why Participate
Here are some prizes for the winners
For Overall Winning Team:
One-month internship with an international organization working on plastic pollution
For Top 3 Overall Winning Teams
Publication of winning case studies in the reputed international journal of the Indian Plastics Institute
For 3 Top Overall Winning Teams
Opportunity to participate in an international discussion forum on plastic pollution and sustainability
For all Teams Who Submit Summary Sheet Applications
All submitted Exec Summaries will be presented online at CAPP.Global and Generate deserved recognition to the initiative your team selects