Each Case Study entry eligible to win the following:
- First Place Overall Award
- Best Case Study in this Theme
- Runner-Up in this Theme
New Innovations in Reducing Plastic Pollution
It is easy to say that innovation is needed to reduce plastic pollution. In the resources section, a quick search query in “plastic waste innovation” yielded these articles which do a nice job in summing up what types of innovations are possible. In India, a recent article stated how India’s plastic waste has more than doubled in the last five years, growing at over 21% per year. The problems partly relate to both “business as usual” and a “lack of economical innovations.”
For this theme, we are seeking not only the innovation your team wants to champion, but why it is needed in India, and most importantly, a plan to get it adopted and used. It may be a product innovation that is still an idea, or a process innovation that requires X, Y and Z to happen. It can be a product or process innovation to be developed by a startup team (yourselves) or to be championed by industry or government. Or, perhaps, it is a specific program and rollout to get consumers or businesses to use less, recycle certain type of plastic, or use more recycled content. Innovation can be anything that permanently will make an impact.
We will not be judging your team’s entry solely on the merits of the innovation itself, but rather also on your team’s thought process not only to develop a pilot program, including how to secure financial and human capital resources, but also how it can then be replicated and scaled economically and efficiently, over time. A “one-hit wonder” that can’t be replicated is not an innovation. For example, sure, it can be a new type of plastic molecule that disintegrates over time, but so what? Show us what industry will want to adopt its use, why and how it should be accomplished. Sure, it can be a new sorting system for waste facilities, but make sure the Capex and Opex are viable, and financeable, and that the waste industry will want to use it and why it’s better then what they currently have.
The Case Study Innovation template will ask you to submit the business case, i.e. the target market, why they’ll be interested, and how you will secure trial, and scale. As already stated, innovation is key to slowing down the rate of plastic waste being generated. We hope your innovation will capture interest, be one of the winning entries, and do just that. That’s why we added this theme in Season Two.
we put together a list of resources and types of projects to help you in selecting your solution, and writing your case study